Dropbox 3.4.0 Release Candidate


Nuev@ Applesan@
Si alguno de vosotros usa Dropbox tiene nueva versión, la Dropbox 3.4.0 Release Candidate

On Windows, when choosing “Share This Folder…” or “Shared Folder Settings…” a native dialog will appear to create shared folders and change their settings. Previously this functionality was available by taking you to the Dropbox website.
We're testing out the Dropbox badge; a random selection of users who install this build will see the badge feature. With the badge, you can generate a link to share the document without having to leave the application and quickly view revision history.
When running a 3.4 series build, if you downgrade to 3.0 or earlier you'll need to uninstall the 3.4 series desktop client first.

The 3.4 series and future series require Mac OS X 10.6 or later.
Windows Standard installer
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Mac OS X Standard installer
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Linux x86_64 offline installer
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