StudioLine Web Portable


Nuev@ Applesan@
StudioLine Web

StudioLine Web integrates all functions for designing, publishing and maintaining professional web sites into a single user interface layout editor, page editor, image archive, image editing, graphics and text effects, picture galleries, file transfer and site management.
With this outstanding, integrated solution for professional web design, you are now in good company and well on your way to your own stunning web site in no time. Instead of getting bogged down by tedious, complicated codes and design restrictions you can break loose and allow your creativity free reign. Now web design is a snap for beginners as well as professionals!
StudioLine utilizes DHTML. This dynamic variant of HTML is the key to a previously unknown flexibility in the creation and layout of web pages. All content such as text, graphics, and images can truly be placed entirely without restrictions anywhere on the web page. Furthermore, images and text can be layered on top of each other to lend a more dynamic feel to the design; the way a collage is made up of pictures and objects positioned at all varieties of angles. The individual elements are free to be moved and can be placed in any order at any time to achieve the desired layout.