Apple debuta en Japon su campaña publicitaria


Apple debuta en Japon su campaña publicitaria

Hola amigos/as

Apple debuta en Japon su campaña "Get a Mac’

• “Mac and PC”
PC: Hello, I’m a PC
Mac: Hello, I’m Mac
PC: Oh, but you’re a PC too, aren’t you?
Mac: Yes, but everyone calls me ‘Mac’
PC: You’re on first name terms, eh? What makes you so special?
Mac: People use me at home for private stuff. I guess it’s easy to get familiar.
PC: I understand. My relationships are mostly business. But I’d like a special name, too.
Mac: Well since most of your socializing is at the office, how about “Work”?
PC: “Mac” and “Work”. Mac!!

• “Viruses”
Mac: Hi, I’m a Mac
PC: Good day, I’m a PC (Coughs. Sneezes)
Mac: Hey, are you OK?
PC: No, I’m not OK. I’ve got that virus that’s going around. Don’t get too close, it’s really bad this year.
Mac: I’ll be fine.
PC: Don’t act so tough. Last year there were 114,000 viruses for PCs going around. It was terrible.
Mac: Macs don’t have to worry about viruses.
PC: Oh, dear!
Mac: What’s up?
PC: I’m going to crash.
Mac: Will that make you feel better?
PC: I.. think.. so..

• “iLife”
Mac: Hi, I’m a Mac
PC: Good day, I’m a PC
Mac: Oh, an iPod. What’re you listening to?
PC: Eurobeat
Mac: Eurobeat?
PC: Aren’t they great, iPods? And iTunes is so easy to use. I like Podcasts too.
Mac: Macs have iLife so you can do photos and movies as easily as the iPod
PC: Really? iLife? I also have lots of cool software.
Mac: For example?
PC: Calculator!
Mac: And…?
PC: Clock!


Nuev@ Applesan@
he leido en otro foro que ati va a sacar una consola, juegos o algo asi. es eso verdad?