Apple tiene Xcode 6.3.2 GM para descargar en el centro de desarrollo


Esta versión incluye el IDE Xcode, LLVM compilador, instrumentos, iOS Simulator, el último OS X y iOS SDK, WatchKit y el lenguaje de programación 1.2 Swift.

Xcode 6.3.2 GM seed requires a Mac running OS X 10.10.
Xcode 6.3.2 GM seed includes SDKs for iOS 8.3 and OS X versions 10.9 and 10.10. To develop apps targeting prior versions of OS X or iOS, see the section “About SDKs and the iOS Simulator” in What's New in Xcode available on or from the Help > What's New in Xcode command when running Xcode.
This release is a single application bundle. To install, double-click the downloaded DMG file, and drag the file to your Applications folder.
From within Xcode, you launch additional developer tools, such as Instruments and FileMerge, via the Xcode > Open Developer Tool command. You can keep the additional tools in the Dock for direct access when Xcode is not running.

Swift Compiler
• Fixed a regression in the compile time of larger projects using Swift frameworks or using projects supplied from external sources (e.g. CocoaPods). (20638611)
Account Management
• Xcode does not attempt to revoke and request a new certificate when the latest signing identity is already located in the keychain. (20659239)
• -[XCTestCase expectationWithDescription:] no longer takes a long time to return for some projects. (20588500)
• The Assistant editor no longer loses its categories. (20163580)
• Renaming a project does not crash Xcode or damage projects. (20642070)
• Canceling a build now properly terminates running commands (including shell scripts) with the SIGINT signal, before sending SIGKILL. (20453317)