Ableton Suite es un estudio completo de software. Suite 8 le da todas las
repleto de características de Live 8 además de sonido, con una radicalmente nueva biblioteca hermosas nuevos sonidos y una gran cantidad de recursos útiles.
Suite 8 contiene
Ableton instrumentos y efectos incluidos los sintetizadores, sampler, eléctrica y
Batería acústica, mazos, numerosos instrumentos muestreados, nuevo, revisado
Operador y amp efectos de modelado.
Dos instrumentos totalmente nuevos,
Colisión y percusión Latina, completan el conjunto. Ableton Suite 8 es un paquete completo: las herramientas y los sonidos.
Key features
Multitrack recording up to 32-bit/192 kHz
Nondestructive editing with unlimited undo
Powerful MIDI sequencing of software and hardware instruments
Lynda com Ableton Live 8 Essential Training
Ableton Live 8 Essential Training with Rick Schmunk offers
a comprehensive overview of Ableton's live audio and MIDI
sequencing software and the techniques required to compose,
record, and edit music, in real time, on stage, or in the
studio. The course includes tutorials on compiling live
sets from audio and MIDI clips, loops, or samples, applying
MIDI effects, warping audio, and recording and producing
songs in any number of contemporary styles. Exercise files
are included with the course.
Topics include:
* Putting together a DAW system
* Setting up Ableton preferences
* Importing and exporting content
* Recording MIDI
* Editing and quantizing MIDI data
* Recording audio
* Recording in Arrangement view
* Using sends and returns in the Live Mixer
* Grouping tracks
* Signal processing
* Creating and editing automation envelopes
* Using fades to mask audio pops and clicks
* Looping and warping audio clips
* Mapping device controls to a MIDI keyboard
* Working with virtual instruments
* Integrating Live with Pro Tools and Logic
repleto de características de Live 8 además de sonido, con una radicalmente nueva biblioteca hermosas nuevos sonidos y una gran cantidad de recursos útiles.
Suite 8 contiene
Ableton instrumentos y efectos incluidos los sintetizadores, sampler, eléctrica y
Batería acústica, mazos, numerosos instrumentos muestreados, nuevo, revisado
Operador y amp efectos de modelado.
Dos instrumentos totalmente nuevos,
Colisión y percusión Latina, completan el conjunto. Ableton Suite 8 es un paquete completo: las herramientas y los sonidos.
Key features
Multitrack recording up to 32-bit/192 kHz
Nondestructive editing with unlimited undo
Powerful MIDI sequencing of software and hardware instruments
Lynda com Ableton Live 8 Essential Training
Ableton Live 8 Essential Training with Rick Schmunk offers
a comprehensive overview of Ableton's live audio and MIDI
sequencing software and the techniques required to compose,
record, and edit music, in real time, on stage, or in the
studio. The course includes tutorials on compiling live
sets from audio and MIDI clips, loops, or samples, applying
MIDI effects, warping audio, and recording and producing
songs in any number of contemporary styles. Exercise files
are included with the course.
Topics include:
* Putting together a DAW system
* Setting up Ableton preferences
* Importing and exporting content
* Recording MIDI
* Editing and quantizing MIDI data
* Recording audio
* Recording in Arrangement view
* Using sends and returns in the Live Mixer
* Grouping tracks
* Signal processing
* Creating and editing automation envelopes
* Using fades to mask audio pops and clicks
* Looping and warping audio clips
* Mapping device controls to a MIDI keyboard
* Working with virtual instruments
* Integrating Live with Pro Tools and Logic