CAD: Presentaciones y renders Artlantis Studio 4.1.7 para Mac Os X


El programa te permite crear imágenes realistas, asignar y modificar las propiedades ópticas de los materiales de acabado, plazo fijado, y las fuentes de luz natural y artificial para crear escenas de la realidad virtual y editar trayectoria de movimiento para la película animada. Te permite crear tanto imágenes estáticas y animaciones, QuickTime VR panoramas, etc. Además del nuevo mecanismo FastRadiosity, Artlantis Studio ofrece una función completamente nueva.

Tiene un conjunto de herramientas para crear imágenes de calidad fotográfica sobre la base de modelos 3D de software de simulación diferentes: ArchiCAD, AutoCAD, etc. El programa proporciona una herramienta conveniente e intuitiva para el cambio de texturas, sus propiedades de edición, en colaboración con el color y la luz fuentes. Como resultado, el usuario puede crear fotografías de alta calidad, videos y materiales de la presentación lo antes posible.

Mejores métodos para Artlantis enriquecer los efectos de la imagen de la transparencia, la textura bump, reflexión y refracción de la luz, los efectos atmosféricos. Excelente calidad a alta velocidad, tamaño reducido y simplicidad han hecho Artlantis Render la aplicación más popular para los usuarios de ArchiCAD, Sketchup, etc, crear presentaciones profesionales, comprometidos en el diseño y la decoración.

Nuevo en esta versión Artlantis Studio 4.1.7 para Mac Os X

ISO / Shutter Speed
Automatic lighting adjustment has been available since the launch of Artlantis 3. With Artlantis 4.1, users can now choose to keep this setting or use a new feature called ISO/Shutter. ISO refers to the sensitivity of camera film, while the Shutter Speed refers to the length of time the camera's aperture stays open when taking a picture. Artlantis 4.1 offers better color quality and more realistic results.

HDRi Background
The HDR image provides a spherical background as well as an overall illumination with shadows and full, 360 degree reflections. The 3D lit environment generated around your scenes ensures a robust background for all camera views combined with the entire range of real light intensity. This also makes HDR images valuable for scenes that contain reflective surfaces. With the special lighting channel included in HDR images, the illumination and shadow casting will result in amazingly realistic renderings.

Optional Maxwell Render Engine
Artlantis is the fastest 3D rendering application available today for architects and designers. And Maxwell Render Engine is considered to be the most physically accurate rendering engine on the market. Abvent and Next Limit Technologies have teamed up to offer the Maxwell Render Engine as an optional rendering engine within Artlantis 4.1. Complete with specific shaders and postcards, the Maxwell Render Engine is so easy to use. Simply set up your scene in Artlantis as usual, and click on the Maxwell Render Engine button to launch the calculation.
New features in Artlantis 4.1

ISO / Shutter Speed
Automatic lighting adjustment has been available since the launch of Artlantis 3. With Artlantis 4.1, users can now choose to keep this setting or use a new feature called ISO/Shutter. ISO refers to the sensitivity of camera film, while the Shutter Speed refers to the length of time the camera's aperture stays open when taking a picture. Artlantis 4.1 offers better color quality and more realistic results.

HDRi Background
The HDR image provides a spherical background as well as an overall illumination with shadows and full, 360 degree reflections. The 3D lit environment generated around your scenes ensures a robust background for all camera views combined with the entire range of real light intensity. This also makes HDR images valuable for scenes that contain reflective surfaces. With the special lighting channel included in HDR images, the illumination and shadow casting will result in amazingly realistic renderings.

Optional Maxwell Render Engine
Artlantis is the fastest 3D rendering application available today for architects and designers. And Maxwell Render Engine is considered to be the most physically accurate rendering engine on the market. Abvent and Next Limit Technologies have teamed up to offer the Maxwell Render Engine as an optional rendering engine within Artlantis 4.1. Complete with specific shaders and postcards, the Maxwell Render Engine is so easy to use. Simply set up your scene in Artlantis as usual, and click on the Maxwell Render Engine button to launch the calculation.